Good! However, much I may have been teasing about ‘Valentines for Moi’, I really didn’t want this to be the ‘All About Emme Show’. And it’s not. A couple of hot and steamies have rolled in for Lola and Kittyn too.
A tweetheart from @ericaha to Lola May:
Love you Lola! You’ll always be my crazy Valentines that gets me into the wildest and most hilarious situations, exposing me to the adventure, whilst always keeping me safe from harm. Can never truly express how glad I am to have you in my life. You rock my world!

And it would appear that the hussey really gets around. For Kittyn:
I am shocked and aghast that there were *no* Valentines for the sexiest Kittyn I know! This must be rectified right now…
Kittyn, I had such a hard time choosing who to send a Valentine to…You hold just a purrfectly special place in my heart. I would ensure that you, oh lovely and lithe feline goddess, would have warmed cream for your coffee and a warm spot to snuggle next to a fire. Only the best for you, scented candles, oils and and any treat that you desire… All this would be yours, if I were honoured with your attention.
Alas, like my adoration for Emme, it must be from afar. My OperaGal is my heart’s desire and she is whom I lavish affection upon..
Love seeing the ‘love’ spreading it’s snuggly hug all around! And don’t worry about Miss Fuzzywiggle Furrypants. There’s plenty of love coming for her too. Her four legged pals are just using the regular post – something about wanting to send their scent.
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