Well, I am pleased to say that to date, despite the yowling of Miss Fuzzywiggle and her Royal Majesty Queen Kittyn all of the love letters that have come in have been for little old me!!!! Definitely feeling the love this Valentines, not that I don’t feel it everyday from my close friends, family and little Miss Fuzzywiggle Furrypants.
So here are the first few:
In the form of tweets from a couple of Van City’s sexiest gals and my female lovers –
@saltybean “I love you!”
@monicahamburg “I love you. I hate snow.”

Love the two of you too!!! That said, I want a date that likes the snow, I know that neither one of you are that girl. As for your unCanadian-like snow hating, I am thinking we could take that up in a therapy session.
Finally a bit of email love, from my whisperer of sweet SEO nothings:

Dear Emme,
Oh to be able to open an bottle of wine in front of the fire while we choose a new theme for SexyInVanCity. To linger over Ubuntu updates on matching netbooks and sit snuggled watching the downloads. But alas, I cannot be so lucky. For my heart has been claimed by another.
If our paths had crossed sooner, I’d be able to share chocolate dipped strawberries and champagne while we look for new adornments for our laptops.
Later we’d shop online to buy romantic things, find clever ecards, and sweet nothings.
If my heart were free I could send you DMs of how wonderful and sexy you are. How you are adored and loved, and yet I can’t.
I can only watch with jealousy the man who gets to share your company.
Oh to be your geek…
I am, however, the geek for a lovely operatic soprano who is my world.
The bittersweetness of it all…
Hot, damn hot. Dangerous though, for the fear of an unrequanted love and how could a gal not fall in love with the whisperings of SEO nothings.
Hmmm….. what to do???? Any other contenders? There is still time to get your letters in. Due to my schedule tomorrow (or today – looking at the time and early hour), I am actually extending entries to midnight tonight (Thursday) and then will announce the winner in the wee hours of Friday morning.
ging says
Still haven’t figured what to give your honey this Valentines? Take this Valentines quiz