A number of you have been asking what it’s like seeing a personal coach. Well I can honestly say I love it! I only wish I’d done this sooner. Jennifer Priest is really giving me focus and clarity. And even though it’s only been four sessions, people (my parents, Raul, Tris …etc) have been noticing a difference in me – clarity of direction, well thought out decisions, clearer understanding of those in my life…
Unlike with a counselor you don’t need to rush across town to make it to an appointment – late usually in my case. Instead, Jennifer calls me from the comfort of my own home and we chat over the phone, whilst Fuzzywiggle Furrypants snuggles up on my lap. Oh and we get to talk all about me. A whole hour of me in fact!!! Can you think of anything more delightful!
So what do we talk about? Before each session I fill out a coaching prep form. It asks me questions like:
- What went well this week?
- What did I get done this week?
- What things am I thankful for?
- What roadblocks or obstacles did I hit?
- Where am I frustrated?
- What opportunities are presenting themselves?
- What do I want to focus on in this weeks session?
- What do I want commit to doing before the next call?
The process of filling out this form, really allows me to reflect on the week and clarify what it is that I want to focus on in this session. Once Jennifer calls she has me elaborate on the areas which I wish to discuss. Generally she doesn’t give her opinions or tell me what to think, but starts asking very pointed questions with regards to the topic, that forces me to explore it in greater detail and talk through thoughts that have already been going through my head and I haven’t actually verbalized.

Yes, you can chat with a friend or a family member about things in your world, but this is different. Jennifer is not judgmental, she does not come with preconceived notions about how you should be living your life, and you don’t need to feel that you are being rude that the conversation is all about you. She also does not tell you what you should be thinking or doing and actually supports the decisions that you come to. And she’s incredibly easy to talk to.
Finally she sets up deadlines and accountability for you, which is something that I desperately need working on my own. She also gets you to look at the bigger picture and what needs to be done both in the short and long term to reach your goals.
As many of you are aware, I’ve been going through big changes in my work world as of late. Jennifer really helped me to make a positive transition from ‘Sexy in Vancity’ to ‘Being Emme’. She has helped me to define what the story is that I want to tell with ‘Being Emme’ and she has helped me to set-up some deadlines around the novels I’m writing and a path to getting there. This would have been a much more difficult transition without Jennifer and I don’t think I would have had the same clarity or drive.
Thank you Jennifer!
Tia Singh aka @TiaSparkles says
Wow, how very interesting to read about coaching from a client’s perspective – great testimonial to the power and effectiveness of coaching! Kudos to you and your coach and thanks for getting the word out about coaching. Cheers, Tia
Emme says
Thanks Tia! Yes, Jennifer is wonderful! I’m sharing, because I didn’t understand what personal coaching was before and it’s been such an enlightening process for me.
Emme says
Thank you Raul! I’m looking forward to adventures with you soon to! Along with one of your most wonderful hugs!
Emme xoxo
Raul says
As you know, dearest Emme, I am always interested in learning more about this. I don’t know if we chatted about this or not, but in a previous life (i.e. after I completed my MBA) I seriously considered going into coaching (more specifically, business coaching). At the time when I considered this, I wasn’t prepared for it (I was WAY too young – as you know, I’ve skipped a few grades) and was young as well.
I do think that I have some skills to help people move forward, but I also can completely see the need for a personal coach. It’s a bit like with psychologists and/or counsellors. Even if you’re a coach, you *need* a coach of your own.
I’ll be following closely the work of Jennifer with you. I’m always delighted at how much you’ve grown, dearest Emme. I also look forward to more adventures with you in the very</strong near future.
Tia Singh aka @TiaSparkles says
Raul, if you would like to talk about being a coach I’d be happy to tell you abt the training process etc so you can decide if it’s something you still want to do (did my trg with CTI in Vancouver).
If you have the skills but more importantly, the interest to help people, you will so love it! I did the whole MBA route years ago and knew it wasn’t for me even back then …the heart will always come back to what’s close to it 🙂
Cheers! Tia
ps: Emme, that’s exactly it – people don’t get coaching so having someone talk abt their experiences and what it means to them def helps clarify. Most people think “counselling” or “you’re going to tell me a way I can use LOA to get a million dollars” .. 😉
Jennifer Priest says
You are the one doing all the hard work . You are at that wonderful place where you are willing to explore, be creative and take action to live the life you have been wanting. I assure you the drive IS within you! 🙂
Glad you are so comfortable with things that you are in your pj’s and have Fuzzywiggle Furrypants close by…