Okay, I’ll admit it ….. sometimes other people’s weddings make me laugh.

I mean do they really need to spend over $10, 000 on one night (and I think that is likely on the thrifty side of weddings)? Wouldn’t that be better spent on starting a life together? Especially, as I think that $10, 000 is spent, in some cases, on just the dress. A dress for one night of your life that is often ironically white. And then there is all the money you require your friends to spend on 10 different gifts for ten different showers, stag and does, bachlerettes, dresses that make you look hideous and cost you a small fortune, …….. therapy for dealing with you, the bride, when your freaking out over NOTHING!!!!

At one stage of the game, as a woman, this stressed me out and upset me. Now it just makes me laugh, because really…. here you are, marry your Prince Charming and your stressing out, because the lilies you want aren’t in season? Does somebody cast some sort of psycho mind meld on all (or just about all) future brides? Cause really being your best friends, this is not the normal sort of behavior that draws me to you and makes me love you. Quite the contrary.

So I laugh …. only that can be dangerous and is not really the politest or most cooth way to behave around someones impending nuptials. So whats a gal to do? Can’t speak for you, but I got my wedding laughter out for the season at The Wedding Singer. There, laughter is encouraged. They are playing for three more nights, if you need a good laugh too.
Emme xoxo
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Emme Rogers, FightingChance. FightingChance said: Yay! Thanks Emme! RT @EmmeRogers: My Latest Trash: Three Nights Left for a Good Laugh at Someone Else's Wedding http://ht.ly/1NUdC […]