Seems to be a bit of a fashion week for me, and as cities and even countries declare their own fashion weeks, it only seems fitting that so should I and that I should start it mid-week.
So why a fashion week? Aside from the clearly obvious, aka that I am just such a gorgeous glam puss that wouldn’t you all want to know what I am wearing. Well, it seems that I have joined the ranks of the fashionistas in the last week and am now on the guest list at a variety of fashion events. Definitely not something that my Grandmother would have ever suspected of her tree climbing, bomber jacket wearing, running shoe clad granddaughter during the height of her career as a fashionista, when she owned a plush store of beautiful fabrics and tailor made women’s apparel. But clearly since then I have learnt what the word ‘apparel’ means and I now wear dresses on my tree climbing excursions, making me uniquely qualified to discuss fashion. Will that frock make me look absolutely fabulous and leave something to the imagination whilst I am climbing trees? How washable is this garment when I inevitably spill red wine down my top? … All very important queries to a tomboy turned fashionable gal-about-town.
So what does the week have in store for you lot? Well currently on the agenda (which tends to be ever changing), we have lined up:
- a post on the new Roots and Douglas Coupland Collection

- a guest post by the ever so gorgeous fashionista, Brie Mason, on lululemon’s new, “We Did It In Luon” Collection
- fashion photos from Fighting Chance Productions rendition of Hair, as they have a bit of a rep for daring fashion moves

Now for my fashion muse:
In this picture, our model – @hummingbird604, is sporting sandle clad feet and sparkly toenails. This is all the rage for men this season.Yes, gentleman, thats right. It is fashionable this season to accessorize with sparkly nail polish.
So I hereby decree this Being Emme’s July Fashion Week (added the July in there, in order for sequels, which I know you are all just dying for).
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