How uncanny is this?!? Ralph Talmont just spotted me in a Warsaw real estate ad, only it’s not me. A Polish doppelganger or is some secret underworld agency creating clones of me? I’m not one of the clones, am I? I mean I feel like the real deal, but I can’t after all remember much before my 3rd birthday.

This could play havoc on my future career as a spy, not to mention to what it’s doing to my psyche … I thought I was an original God Damn It!!! Damn Ralph for going and bursting that bubble! Although this could play into my hand. Just imagine the conundrums and rouses that could be created by my being spotted all over the Globe?!?
Hmm … maybe I should start a Roamancing photo competition to find my doppelgangers across the Globe, so I can use them in the great master plan. doo … doo … doo (in case you are unaware, that was sinister, suspenseful music)
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