This is not a practical guide about what a gal needs to have on hand to survive a power outage, but rather a discovery of a couple fun items that will make the darkness more fun! At this time of year, rain, snow and ice storms often find many without power for hours. We were in that situation just a few days ago.
We used candle light to walk around the house and make sure everything was switched off so that there wouldn’t be a big surge when the power went back on. When we got to my daughter’s room, we realized that the disco ball she has hanging in there is battery operated, so we turned it on of course!

Perhaps the best part of this spontaneous fun was our singing and sound effect music making. We could have listened to music on our phones, but we wanted to conserve our batteries in case the power was out for a long time and we were unable to charge them. Such fun would never have happened on a random school night if we had electricity!
We did still have to take care of all our chores though, and one of those tasks involved getting the kids clean and showered. Now, normally a power outage would be the perfect excuse for a candle-lit bath…but not in our house…we have an LED shower head that produces a light show!

Needless to say, we each got to continue the disco party in the shower when we had one, and after that fun; we’ll be turning the lights off every time we shower from now on! It really is about finding the little joys in life. I was jealous of my neighbour at first, because he has a generator and had lights back on in his house within a few minutes. We were irritated in the beginning; scrambling to find candles and feeling like this ruined our plans for the night, but as we discovered the fun we could have, I wouldn’t change the gift of that dark evening for anything! After everyone was showered we all sat around the table and played a board game by candle light. The kids went to bed saying, “We need to do this more often!”
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