In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t exactly let the Press tell me who the Super Stars and Celebrities are. I tell the world whom I think they should be. So obviously my Mom is No 1 on the list of celebrities in my mind and Dad is a close second.
Other ‘my mind celebrities’ that I have written about include: internet icons Megan Cole and Matt Mullenweg (Matt is after all a very cute nerd), silver screen celebrities Kim Cattrall and Meg Tilly (both of whom won their way into my heart after hearing them speak), and Planet Green’s own Timothy Kuryak (I did mention Timothy in my Banff TV Festival posts, didn’t I? If not, I should have as he totally gets it on so many levels and is cute to boot!!!). Some of these people are already deemed celebrities in the public eye and others are now just gaining the press that they deserve. Congrats Megan on making the top 20!!!!

Well dear readers, I have two new Sexy in Van celebrities for you – Lori and Richard Yearwood of Once in a Lifetime Books. And yes, these two new Van City additions are a couple, so fellas I know she is fine, but she’s taken, so back off. And yes ladies, he is not too shabby either, but once again – taken – enjoy him as a bit of eye candy only! Look, but don’t touch. Enjoying the scenery is not one of the 10 deadly sins, is it? I digress, so who are these two new Van Sexies and why do they warrant celebrity status in my mind? Well Richard is a well known actor, director, producer and writer. I personally would like to see Richard, as the next Denzel Washington, playing roles that portray men of African ancestry in a positive light and not stereotypic, racial roles that for whatever reason still keep coming out of Hollywood. Lori, although not as well known, is clearly the brains, and an awfully sexy set of brains at that.

So what brought these two new Van Sexies to my attention? Their relationship books from their own Publishing House, Once in a Lifetime Books. The name of these books? 52 weeks. And yes, they are as titillating as they sound. You can make them as 9 1/2 weeks as you like – only they last much longer. The books come in pairs, a his and hers version, and having read them both you really do want to be playing with one of each, as Richard has a bit of fun manipulating each genders weekly ‘task’ to heighten its pleasure. They even have a set for the Christian man and women, which I was told was not suited to me – but I thought I’d mention it in case (although I can’t imagine why) we have a tamer reader.
Richard claims in the introduction, that this book is for everyone – if you are in a new relationship, a relationship of a couple of years or a mature relationship. This is the point at which I must protest – damn you Richard, it’s not for me, as I am currently between relationships. I guess I’ll just have to find the right guy to try out these books with.
Now I don’t agree with Richard on all counts, as he suggests in the men’s book that this is their ticket to freedom, to be allowed to go out with the guys without question. I do agree with him that this is healthy in a relationship and that your spouse should be able to go out with their friends on their own, I just don’t get why you wouldn’t trust your spouse or why they wouldn’t trust you or why you’d be in a relationship that lacks trust. In my mind a healthy relationship is built on trust and even if you don’t trust their friends or wouldn’t want to date their friends, you should trust them (no matter whom they are with). And personally, having spent some time at ‘the ballet’ (for research, of course), I can tell you that a real woman, that you love, who is dancing for you is ten times sexier than a professional dancer. I think this is the point that Richard is getting to for those that don’t understand this already – trust is what makes for a healthy relationship and is what can make it develop into the wildest sexual fantasy of your dreams.
While you take your time humming and haaing over whether or not you have the guts to bring the book home and share it with your lover, I will tease you here intermittently with a few of my favorite phrases or ‘tasks’ in the books. Figure if these books are making me sexually frustrated over the lack of a lover to play with them with, I should at the very least taunt and frustrated a few of you too from their suggestions.
Frustatedly yours,
[…] finding an actual boyfriend and trying to convince him to play out Richard Yearwood’s book, 52 Weeks, which seems to involve playing out a few fantasies (I cheated and read both the his and hers […]