In case you weren’t glued to the CBC’s election coverage last night, like I was. Here is the aftermath.
Sadly the Conservatives (aka Reform in a vintage dress) did get in again, but not with a majority thank goodness. So essentially we spent $300 million during concerns for a recession to reelect a very similar government. Personally thinking it may have been wiser to spend that money on health care, education and to stop cutting funding to the arts.
Some of the highlights for me:
- Never thought I’d be impressed by the Block, as I am a very proud Canadian and would be horrified if Quebec separated, but I was impressed by them last night. They were instrumental in keeping the Conservatives from a majority government and they spoke about many of the issues that are important to me – education, culture and the environment.
- Loving Newfoundland and Labrador and the Yukon this morning.
- Also impressed with Quebec and the Western Arctic.
- Peter Mansbridge asking the political analyst if ‘Harper had failed’ and the political analyst confirming this.
- Rick Mercer’s closing statement, “I’m just concerned that we’ve missed last call”
To my friends to the South, as Harper seems to mirror the actions of your President, I am counting on you – VOTE OBAMA November 4th!!!

Photo by Steve Rhodes
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