Beautiful day out today (Saturday September 25, 2010), so I thought I’d drop a note highlighting a few of the free performances in the Cordova St Courtyard to the new home to SFU’s School of Contemporary Arts at Woodwards in Gastown.
- 1 pm Bleeding Horse Express
- 1 – 2 pm Public Dreams Stilt Dancers
- 2:30 – 3 pm Michael O’Neill: Bagpipes & Taiko Drums
- 3 pm Bleeding Horse Express
- 3 – 4 pm Public Dreams Stilt Dancers
- 4 – 4:30 pm Michael O’Neill: Bagpipes & Taiko Drums

And don’t be shy, there are things to see inside the School itself to:
- 4:15 – 7:30 pm Faculty & Alumni Multidisciplinary Presentations in dance, music, theatre, film and multi-media demos
- Warrior Boyz, NFB Documentary
- Arts Exhibits

I was lucky enough to attend the Opening Ceremonies for the School’s new home yesterday. Was very inspiring! Especially listening to the whimsical musings of Chantal Kreviazuk on being a student of the Arts and watching the enrapturing beauty of her playing.
The building will be opened from 1 – 5 pm on Sunday too, but there won’t be any performance, so be sure to get down there today.
homeschool says
Not quite on the Today’s Performances at the Opening of the New Home of SFU’s School of Contemporary Art at Woodwards | Being Emme issue Now I’m not saying you’re not a human being with out education. The mind was made to be trained and without education, an individual is incomplete in that sense.