No, I am definitely not talking warm beaches, as I am a true Canadian girl, meaning it’s snow, hot chocolate and golden retrievers that I’m dreaming of this Christmas. So what is this LA, for which I speak, then? Well duh!!! That great Canadian satire duo, Local Anxiety (aka the two sexy, sexy beasts, Kevin Crofton and Mark Leiren-Young).
Not only are these two men sexy, but they’re smart too. No, not because they create witty lyrics and amusing videos, but because they knew they couldn’t create a Canadian music video without ME appearing somewhere in it. I mean, come on, why other Canadian artists haven’t seen the error in their ways yet by leaving me out, I’ll never fathom. Clearly they are not as smart as these two men. So here you have it, my first music video (oh yeah, and Mark and Kevin’s too), Oh Christmas Tree Oh 21st Century:
Yep, you guessed it!!! That incredibly sexy shoulder that passed the camera in the street corner Santa scene was me! And if you note, Mark’s wandering gaze, moments after, that’s him being a dirty old Santa and checking out my ass. True story! And yes, I will happily sign (kiss) you an autograph, but you’d better get in line fast, as with my new music video fame, I may have to start charging for them soon.
So aside from my obvious prowess in front of the camera, the kid (Emma Jordan Leiren Young) was pretty darn talent too. I filmed a few exclusive interviews with her, you know on Pet Beauty Tips and the likes, that I promise to share over the next few weeks.
In the mean time, you can check out a few of the stills. Sadly, I’m only in a few of them, as I was too busy being the genius behind the camera.

*A deep curtsy to a slow, single clap that grows to thunderous applause.*
*Kisses* I love you all!
Emme xoxo
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Emme Rogers, Gary Grant. Gary Grant said: RT @emmerogers: My Latest Trash, #LA4xmas – Sheer awesomeness! […]