For those of you that follow news from the film and television industry, you may be aware that in March 2012, the Government of Saskatchewan eliminated the Saskatchewan Film Employment Tax Credit (SFETC) set to expire on June 30, 2012. This decision is not only devastating to film, television and interactive industries in Saskatchewan, but also the industries that support them such as hotels, gas and construction. If you work in the film industry, you know the impact of tax credits on enticing projects to film in your area. Yes, you might be giving the production a tax break to film in your Province or State, but that then brings in money that feeds the economy. In Saskatchewan, that translates to every $1 invested in film and television brings $6 back to Saskatchewan in economic activity. Not having a tax credit is suicide to maintaining a healthy and profitable film and television industry. Most Provincial and State Governments acknowledge this and offer tax credits, as you can see from the map below that I pilfered off of Rob Hardy’s facebook wall.

I’m glad to say though that the Saskatchewan Film Industry is not one to go down without a fight and there is still time to find a solution before the House is released for summer on May 19, 2012.
Here’s how you can help:
- To volunteer: email,
- Share your voice: Tweet using #skpoli as the hashtag,
- Write a letter,
- Share your Story: Tell your friends on facebook about your experience with film and TV in Saskatchewan,
and this Friday, show Saskatchewan Filmmakers you care by promoting Saskatchewan-made film, television and interactive projects and / or their artists / creators on facebook and on twitter using the hashtag #FilmFriday. If you need help brainstorming Saskatchewan-made projects, check out SMPIA’s Pinterest Boards. Here’s one with our very own Richard Yearwood starring in it:

Why do I care? I’m not a Saskatchewan Filmmaker or resident. I care, because the Saskatchewan Film Industry is very near and dear to my heart. This film community fostered our company, Ahimsa Media, in it’s early days, showed us the ropes, gave us honest advice and our first TV Show, and shows us a Hell of a good time on a yearly basis at the Yorkton Film Festival. This is a film community I love and won’t stand to lose, so help me out in ensuring it’s survival. Tweet your love!
Thanks to SMPIA and Katrina German for leading up the digital stampede.
[…] And I love how relaxing and beautiful it is driving through the Saskatchewan and past the fields of golden sheaf. But most of all I love the people of Saskatchewan, many of whom (including the three in this car) will be hit hard by the recent elimination of the Saskatchewan Film Employment Tax Credit (SFETC). […]