With the beautiful weather upon us and people getting outdoors and being more active, I am seeing a lot more people out cycling, which is great. What’s not so great is how few of these people I see wearing helmets.
In the span of 5 blocks the other day, I saw at least 10 people riding their bikes. Only 2 of them were wearing a helmets. Not cool people. There’s a reason why there is a bike helmet law in the Province of British Columbia where I live. And yes, it applies to all ages, as it should. I am somebody who has suffered more than one serious concussion. Concussions in which the doctors did not know how long it would take for me to recover or if I’d ever get better. I did get better, but in the process I realized how important it is for us to protect our heads. Head injuries can impact our whole sense of self, mental abilities, and personality. Having a head injury is damn scary.

Even before I had a head injury, it didn’t take rocket science for me to figure out that it was wise to wear a bike helmet. It’s the smart and proactive thing to do. I thank the governments across our country that have had the sense to make wearing bike helmets law for all ages. And for those that have not, wise up and make it a law.

So yes, no contention, bike helmet wearers are sexy! And I’d go as far as to say those who ride, minus the helmet, aren’t date worthy. I mean think about it. Do you really want to date someone so shallow and obsessed with their looks, that they’ll forfeit well being for fear of messing up their hair? You don’t want the parent of your future children to be so stupid. Their safety aside, this lack of sense doesn’t bode well as a role model for your future children. Oh and if you are trying to get over your own insecurities of wearing a helmet, just think of how worse your hair will look with a gash in the side of your head or coated in blood. Beside true sex appeal comes from within, and smarts are damn sexy!

Well, that’s all for tonight darlings!
Sexy Helmet Head Kisses,
Emme xoxo
Kate Happenence says
Completely agree. The scar on my knee from falling off my bike is bad enough. To have my head damaged as well would make me look even more funny than I already do. My mother doesn’t wear a helmet and I think it’s really irresponsible. That said, I didn’t always wear a helmet.
Emme says
Most of us of a certain age didn’t Kate, because it was just never done before. I’m glad that has changed.
I remember a pretty bad accident I had when I was 16 that left me bloody (and scarred on the elbow) and the a mess. Luckily though it wasn’t worse, and I was wearing a helmet.
Tamia says
You should really try and persuade her to wear a helmet, I have seen some pretty bad accidents…just try and bring her into the idea of maybe having her own personalised helmet
Aveen says
Very True Article, Bike helmets are nice looking and available in awesome designs, i dont know who does’t like to wear it.. Head is Most important part of body, protect it guys..
Tamia says
A lot of bikers do not like to wear helmets, but the truth is a helmet can save your life in an accident. Personalised helmets help persuade some people to wear them whenever riding.I think this is a stunning idea.
Aus says
Bike helmets are Looking fancy and safe, It looks cool.. Protect your head friends .
Julian says
Love the image of guerrilla advertising on floor. It’s very striking to read and creates a vibe within yourself that not wearing a helmet can have severe impacts if something were to happen.
Wearing helmets is more important than wearing a seatbelt in a car, but both equally life saving.
Thanks for this post! It’s giving me after thoughts!
Guy says
Couldn’t agree with you more. I wouldn’t date anyone who prioritize his/her looks first before safety. Remember bike helmets save lives and their use should be required by law. Thanks for the share!
Todd Peterson says
I agree. I get a lot of calls from people in bike accidents. Sometimes a helmet has saved my client.
April says
Love those beautiful pics of helmets..
Natasha ALi says
A lot of bikers do not like to wear helmets, but the truth is a helmet can save your life in an accident. Personalized helmets help persuade some people to wear them whenever riding.I think this is a stunning idea.
Md khan says
a helmet can save your life in an accident. Love those beautiful pics of helmets.