So ever so slowly I am emerging from my winter hibernation and several month long Olympic hangover. To sound all hauty tauty film industry-esque, I am now coming off of my hiatus. Finally! And with that, I am looking for a new party dress. So you are likely to see a few changes … [Read more...]
Being Emme
Good Morning World!!! And welcome to my new day! I know you're all dying to know what I've been up to and I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you (or more aptly Fuzzywiggle Furrypants would and she doesn't like getting her paws dirty). Photo by Tris Hussey In all … [Read more...]
Beef, Banff and Babes
Well, despite my best efforts, Emme is dragging me, her easternboytoy off to Banff, probably with the inane idea that I'll cook for her, carry her sorry ass home from whichever bar happens to get in her way. There are a few things that I'm excited about, the culture, the … [Read more...]