So I was talking yesterday about turning up the heat this weekend. Truth be told, things got a little sizzling on Friday night on a date with my gal pal, Brie Mason, to Fighting Chances latest Production, HAIR, at Granville Island’s Waterfront Theatre.

WOW!!!! What a well spent few hours of my life! HAIR was incredible! It made me laugh, it made me cry, got me dancing and it TURNED ME ON. Didn’t hurt either that one of the stars of the show, Burger (played by Sean Parsons) kissed me in his underwear. Fighting Chance Productions seriously cranked things up a notch (or three) with their rendition of HAIR, which was beautifully directed (by Ryan Mooney), choreographed, sung and played (under the guidance of Vashti Fairburn) and acted by the players (including Michael Brock as Claude, Cesar Erba as Woof, Amy Jean Mcelwain as Crissy, Ranae Miller as Jeanie, Jenny Moase as Sheila, Sean Parsons as Berger, Hal Rogers as Hud, and Ariella Tuliao as Dionne). Well done!!!

So seriously, this is THE MAGICAL THIRD DATE to take someone on to seal the deal. Hell, if Brie weren’t married, you may have caught me kissing her, it was so HOT! It wasn’t 10 seconds into the first act before I whispered to Brie that the cast must be seriously chaised if they weren’t having some oh, so terribly HOT, HOT sex throughout the rehearsing and run of the show. Just be warned that this is not the show for the kids, and if you happen to be adverse to nudity, then its not the show for you, as I am happy to report that there is lots of it. Which incidentally, brings me to a bit of constructive criticism. Ryan – Brie and I think you need to linger LONGER on the nude scene at the end of the first act, we were still busy soaking in all the beauty, when you so rudely cut us off. Speaking of which, Brie and I want to know what happens at intermission, after the entire cast goes backstage naked. Do you have robes waiting for every which one? That would be a lot of robes.

If you aren’t aware of the story of HAIR, it is a beautiful one of belief, ideals, horrific decisions and growing up in the 60s. Couldn’t help but reflect on the youth of a very dear friend of mine from the 60s and how the horrors that he saw transformed the rest of his life.
So if you do nothing else between now and August 1st, be sure to go and see HAIR at the Waterfront Theatre. Trust me, you and your date will be thanking me for it.
Here’s a little preview:
and they have more teasers here.
Emme xoxo
PS Now Ryan – if any cast get sick this week, Brie and I would be happy to fill in.
PPS To the Two Gentlemen at the Cat’s Meow after the Show: It doesn’t matter how titillated HAIR may make a gal, comparing her hair to that of a horses and then commenting on her fine set of chompers, as though she was a horse at an auction, is not at all likely to get you any action.
Susan says
Thanks for this review! I’ve always found it to be such a sexy story – ever since I discovered it at my friend’s mom’s house as a kid. Those naughty debutantes and the post party getting crashed by Burger and his revelling hippie crew – all the hot romance. I love the sound track and know almost all the words (many confused me as a child!)
Bronwyn the Intern says
The fourth in from the left, in the plaid shirt and headband, is also a member of Friends With Benefits! Another member and I saw Hair on Thursday (opening night), then went straight to the studio to record our first EP…until 6am. Sounds like Richard (in the plaid shirt) recovered in time for the show you saw!
Emme says
Thank you Susan for your comment! It is such a sexy story! And how scandalous that you discovered it at a friend’s house as a kid. I remember such videos in friend’s houses as a kid, but I don’t think any of those were quite as sophisticated as HAIR.
Right there with you on the soundtrack. Fantastic music!
Emme xoxo
Emme says
Thats funny Bronwyn! Brie and I were suppose to be at that performance, but we were double booked for the night.
Would not have guessed that Richard had been up all night. Mind you even if I had, that would have rather worked for his character now, wouldn’t it.
Hope the recording session went well!
Emme says
Thanks Sarah! Brie and I enjoyed meeting you too! And thanks so much for the great show!
Sarah says
Hi Emme! Lovely meeting you briefly at Cat’s Social House after the show the other night. Thanks for the wonderful review!