Every summer I make a list of things to do, but I hardly ever get around to most of them. It’s easy to put things off when you’re living indefinitely in a place, but after awhile you start wondering why you’ve never gotten around to doing certain things. The only exception was two summers ago when I knew I was moving out of Vancouver in the fall and I actually completed everything, but one or two things on my to-do list that summer. Since I am back in Vancouver for the foreseeable future, a summer to-do list is my way of not falling into that trap again, as well as the perfect excuse for being a tourist in my own city.

Here’s my list for Summer 2012:
- Go swimming at Lynn Canyon. I’ve been meaning to do this one since I was a kid. When I was ten, my family hiked up Lynn Canyon in November, and I remember wanting to dive into the canyon waters. Every summer since then I’ve been meaning to go and do just that, but it’s just one of those things I never got around to doing.
- Visit the UBC Farm. Four years at UBC and I’ve still never been to the much-lauded farm. Hopefully I can do this one before I graduate.
- Hike Finish the Chief. The Stawamus Chief hiking trail is one of my unfinished items from two summers ago. Due to time constraints, we only made it to the first peak before having to turn back. This summer, I’m going to make it to all three.
- Read the entire Hunger Games trilogy and see if it lives up to the hype. Then discuss merits with friends with obvious comparisons to the Harry Potter and Twilight series.
- Get screamers at Danny’s Market in Richmond. Slushie + soft ice cream = Screamers. No summer is complete without a trip to Danny’s Market for the awesomeness that is screamers.
- See Rent at the Waterfront Theatre. Rent is my favourite musical and I never miss a chance to see it. This will be my fourth live performance, but not my last.
- Rent a tandem bike and go cycling along the Seawall. Walking or biking the seawall is probably at the top of everyone’s Vancouver to-do list, but how many people go on a tandem bike? I’m going to drag a friend along and let hilarity ensue.
- View the Neon Vancouver exhibit at the Museum of Vancouver. Because I love cheesy and nostalgic hipster art.
- Watch an outdoor movie. The last time I did this, I saw The Neverending Story and it started pouring rain right at the climax when (spoiler alert) Bastian yelled out the Childlike Empress’ new name into the stormy night. It was like we were in the story. Can’t wait to see what happens this time.
- Go to the Vancouver Pride Parade. Every other summer I’ve had to work on the day of the Parade, so I’m hoping that finally this summer I’ll be free to go.

Do you make a to-do list every summer too? What do you think I missed? Let us know in the comments!
[…] my last post, I talked about all the things I wanted to do this summer. Last week, I managed to complete the […]