Who says adults can’t Trick or Treat!!! <she says stomping her feet, hands on hips, and pouting> Well, I say you can! Here at least. I have 5 pairs of theatre tickets to giveaway to 5 lucky adult Trick or Treaters to Moon Over Buffalo at Metro Theatre Vancouver!

If you have happen to have caught Lend Me A Tenor at Metro Theatre Vancouver last season (easily my favourite play of the Season), you’ll know that you are in for a treat, as this in another Ken Ludwig play. Translation: This is bound to be an evening filled with the laughter of romance meets a comedy of errors! Here’s a little as to the storyline, care of Metro Theatre:
Moon Over Buffalo centres on George and Charlotte Hay, fading stars of the 1950’s. At the moment, they’re playing Private Lives and Cyrano De Bergerac in rep in Buffalo, New York with only five actors. On the brink of a disastrous split-up caused by George’s alleged indiscretion with a young ingénue, they receive word that they might just have one last shot at stardom: Frank Capra is coming to town to see their matinée, and if he likes what he sees, he might cast them in his movie remake of The Scarlet Pimpernel. Unfortunately for George and Charlotte, everything that could go wrong does go wrong as confusion surrounds everyone who enters the theatre: the Hays’ stage manager, their lawyer, their visiting daughter and her clueless fiancé, and Charlotte’s aging, deaf mother who hates every bone in George’s body. The show must go on, of course, but at curtain time one question remains: exactly which play are they performing?
Now for the Trick or Treat!
If you are inclined to perform this sort of Trick for me …
… I am sure I can find you a treat!
As for entering the contest to win one of the five pairs of tickets, for my own amusement and a bit of seasonal surprise this is a reader’s choice commenting entry. You simply must:
- Comment below with a TRICK! You decide how to define that.
- For a 2nd, 3rd, and 4th entry: Share this contest on Twitter, Facebook and Google+ (one extra entry for each platform shared on), just be sure to include a link to this post, the hashtag #MoonOverBuffalo & my handle (so I am sure to see it). So, as an example:
For Twitter: Show @EmmeRogers a trick #Vancouver, to enter to win a treat … tickets to #MoonOverBuffalo at @MetroTheatre! http://ht.ly/qnMjh
For Facebook & Google+: Show Emme Rogers a trick #Vancouver, to enter to win a treat … tickets to #MoonOverBuffalo at Metro Theatre! https://emmerogers.com/win-tickets-to-moon-over-buffalo-at-metro-theatre-vancouver
- I will then throw the names of all commenters and Twitter, Facebook and Google+ sharers into a hat, and randomly draw the name of the winner of the tickets, at the times mentioned below.
For the winners of this laughter filled Treat, I will be giving away 5 pairs of tickets to Moon Over Buffalo at the Metro Theatre, starting with the first pair of tickets at 10 am Sunday November 3rd to one lucky winner. The next pair of tickets will be given away Monday November 4th at 10 am, and then again Tuesday November 5th at 10 am, Wednesday November 6th at 10 am, and the final pair on Thursday November 7th at 10 am. The tickets will be for one of the performances on the first full weekend of the Show with the winners choice of Thursday November 7th, Friday November 8th, or Saturday November 9th at 8 pm.

For those of you that don’t win, you should still be in for treat by purchasing tickets to Moon Over Buffalo from the Metro Theatre Vancouver Box Office. They have a special deal on their Thursday night Show. The Show runs now until November 30th, 2013, with performances Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights at 8 pm, and Sunday matinees at 2:30 pm on November 17th and 24th.
Emme xoxo
Paula says
“I liked the idea of having actual magic performed as stage magic, so you could assume that it was just a trick, that something is all smoke and mirrors, but there’s that…feeling at the back of your mind: What if it’s not?” – Erin Morgenstern
Cindy says
How I would define a trick, it’d be an act in which it intends to achieve an end by deception. For example, I made goodie bags for my friends for Halloween. They got to choose which bags to pick from. Each bag had certain design, some of the bags were filled with candy and some had rocks. It was a trick or treat, so if you were lucky you would get a bag of candy.