Seems to be a bit of a fashion week for me, and as cities and even countries declare their own fashion weeks, it only seems fitting that so should I and that I should start it mid-week. So why a fashion week? Aside from the clearly obvious, aka that I am just such a gorgeous … [Read more...]
Crawling Out of the Cave
So ever so slowly I am emerging from my winter hibernation and several month long Olympic hangover. To sound all hauty tauty film industry-esque, I am now coming off of my hiatus. Finally! And with that, I am looking for a new party dress. So you are likely to see a few changes … [Read more...]
Who’s Watching?
I spent nearly an hour with a huge crowd watching a man on a strange unicycle, waiting for something really big to happen. There was so much build up going on that it was like watching a bad movie where you feel you have to stick it out to the end. Meanwhile, I realized we were … [Read more...]
Vancouver Is Waking Up!
Ok, so I may have just slept the entire day away, but my thoughts today are centered on the unusually lively spirits of Vancouver locals. When I responded to the 'Team Head Up Grouse In The Middle Of The Night Outing' call from Emme, I thought we would be struggling to find … [Read more...]
Hockey Night in Canada
Living in Vancouver, I am determined to make the most of the Olympic experience. My first attempt failed as I was going to explore the venues with a girlfriend and her husband said she couldn't go. He pretended to be worried about her and all the crowds, but then admitted to … [Read more...]