Many of you may have heard rumblings of our new travel series Roamancing. Well, the rumour mill is true, we with a few friends, are launching into a new romantic transmedia travel series searching this big wide world for love. For me this started as a bit of a not-so-private … [Read more...]
Crawling Out of the Cave
So ever so slowly I am emerging from my winter hibernation and several month long Olympic hangover. To sound all hauty tauty film industry-esque, I am now coming off of my hiatus. Finally! And with that, I am looking for a new party dress. So you are likely to see a few changes … [Read more...]
Being Emme
Good Morning World!!! And welcome to my new day! I know you're all dying to know what I've been up to and I could tell you, but then I'd have to kill you (or more aptly Fuzzywiggle Furrypants would and she doesn't like getting her paws dirty). Photo by Tris Hussey In all … [Read more...]
A Knightly Tale …..Continued
Humble, battered and apologetic to any Van City women that I may have offended (the truth can sting), I have returned fair readers to continue my knightly tale. If you are just joining this story for the first time, the story begins here with A Knightly Tale and continues … [Read more...]
A Knightly Tale (a belated Valentines turned Birthday letter)
A dark night shrouds the misty moor. A fragrance of peat and decay is carried upon the breeze and a white mist wafts in slowly from the seashore. A ray of moonlight is reflected off a shiny steel surface. The glint of the knight's armour betrays his presence. Yet, he moves … [Read more...]